Credit Reporting Policy
Purpose and application of this policy
SG Fleet Australia Pty Limited (sgfleet, we, us, our) is a wholly owned subsidiary of SG Fleet Group Limited (ACN 167 554 574), a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
This Credit Reporting Policy contains important details about credit reporting that will be relevant to you if you are an individual (or, if you are a corporation, then the directors, principals and beneficial owners of that corporation) and you apply for, or propose to be a guarantor for, or are receiving, a product or service from us, where we provide you with credit (e.g. you will pay us for those products or services after we start providing them to you). It describes how we comply with the credit reporting obligations contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (Credit Reporting Code) .
Collection of credit-related information
We may collect, hold, use and disclose credit-related information about you. We may obtain this information from you directly (for example, through an application form or from any relevant accounts held with us) , your employer, funders and financiers, the credit reporting bodies (CRB) that we deal with and other credit providers who have provided credit to you, in order to assist us in determining whether we will provide any products or services to you (or to your related company or other entity) on credit.
The kind of information we may collect and hold about you include (but not limited to):
- your name, address (current and previous addresses) and contact details;
- your date of birth, gender, marital status, number of dependents;
- banking or credit card details;
- statement of your assets and liabilities and other financial information and supporting documentation;
- identification information;
- name of employer and driver’s licence number;
- details of your application for consumer credit or commercial credit;
- information about any credit provided to you by other credit providers (such as financial institutions, utilities or telecommunications providers), including any credit that you have applied for or guaranteed;
- details of your credit history, including details of any credit defaults and any repayments missed or late repayments that you have made in relation to any credit provided to you;
- any credit rating or credit assessment score that we have calculated or that is provided to us by a CRB;
- details of any credit-related court proceedings or insolvency applications that relate to you;
- the fact that any instalments of credit payments are overdue or that your repayments are no longer overdue; and
- the fact that credit provided to you by third parties has been paid or otherwise discharged.
Use and disclosure of credit-related information
We may use the credit-related information that is collected and held by us to help us decide whether or not to provide credit to you (or to your related company or other entity). We may also use this information to derive or calculate a credit assessment score in relation to you, which we will then use to help us in conducting our assessment of your creditworthiness.
We collect, hold, use and disclose your credit information and credit eligibility information for purposes which include:
- confirming your identity;
- assess and process your applications for any product or services that you apply for, or if you are a guarantor, assess whether to accept you as a guarantor;
- perform all tasks associated with providing credit and our products and services to you, including performing all necessary administrative tasks;
- manage overdue payments and enforce our rights (including undertaking debt collection) in connection with any credit provided to you;
- notify a CRB or other credit providers of any of your adverse credit information (including default information);
- conduct credit scoring, securitisation, research, risk management and portfolio analysis;
- market to you products and services provided by us and our related bodies corporate dealers, insurers or suppliers;
complying with any relevant laws and regulations.
Exchange information with credit reporting body (CRB)
CRBs collect credit-related information about individuals from a range of sources to provide credit reports about these individuals to their customers (including us). Where we provide your credit-related information to these credit reporting bodies, they may include this information in reports that they subsequently provide about you to other credit providers in order to assist those entities to assess your credit worthiness.
We may obtain your credit reporting information from a CRB for the purposes of:
- assessing your application for commercial credit;
- collecting payments that are overdue in relation to commercial credit provided by us;
- assessing whether to accept you as a guarantor in relation to commercial credit provided by us or credit for which an application has been made to us by a company or another individual.
We may disclose your credit information to CRBs who may include that information in reports they provide to other credit providers for a commercial credit related purpose. The information may include:
- permitted identification particulars;
- the fact that you have applied for credit, the amount and type of credit;
- the fact that we are a credit provider to you;
- any credit limit;
- adverse credit information (including but not limited to default information and repayment history information), eg. payment overdue for more than sixty (60) days in specified circumstances;
- in relation to those overdue payments, advice about new payment arrangements;
- in specified circumstances, that in our opinion there has been a serious credit infringement (eg. fraud); and
- other credit worthiness information that may be disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act.
The CRBs that we may disclose your credit information (including personal information) to are:
13 23 33
PO BOX 7405, St Kilda VIC 3004
13 83 32
GPO BOX 964, North Sydney NSW 2059
1300 783 684
Level 20, 101 Miller Street North Sydney, NSW 2060
You have a right to obtain a copy of the credit reporting policies of any CRBs that we disclose your personal information to. If you would like to obtain this document, you should contact them directly using the contact details set out above.
The CRB may include the information disclosed by us in reports provided to credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness. If you fail to meet your payment obligations in relation to consumer credit or you commit a serious credit infringement, we may be entitled to disclose this to the CRB.
You are entitled to request that the CRB:
- not use credit reporting information about you for the purpose of pre-screening of direct marketing by a credit provider;
- not use or disclose credit reporting information about you where you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been, or are likely to be, a victim of fraud.
Other matters relating to your credit-related information
Where required by law, we will make a written note (which may be kept in electronic form) of any use or disclosure that we make relating to your credit-related information.
If you:
- or your related company or other entity make an application for credit to us; or
- offer to guarantee credit that we propose to provide to your related company or other entity,
and we subsequently refuse your application or offer based on information provided to us by a CRB about you, we will (if required by law to do so) inform you of this and provide you with the name and contact details of that body and any other information required by law to be provided to you.
Security and quality of your credit-related information
We will take reasonable measures to make sure that the credit-related information that we collect, use, hold and disclose about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date and (in relation to the purpose of our use or disclosure) is relevant to that purpose.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that the credit-related information that we hold about you is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Except to the extent specified otherwise in this Credit Reporting Policy, we will securely store all credit-related information that we collect or hold about you in an electronic system located in Australia.
We store information in different ways, including in hardcopy and electronic form. We have implemented certain organisational controls to help us protect your credit-related information from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. These include implementing information technology security policies and systems. Our employees and contractors are trained in the protection and appropriate use of your credit-related information and are also bound by confidentiality provisions that apply to information they access in the course of their employment.
We may also disclose your credit-related information to financiers for whom we act as agent, other third party service providers and members of the sgfleet Group that are located in one or more overseas countries or hold information in overseas countries, including:
- our related bodies corporate in United Kingdom and New Zealand;
- our funders and their related companies and service providers in Austria, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Fiji, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States of America;
- our service providers (other than our funders) in Belgium, Canada, Germany, India, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom and United States of America; and
- other countries which we may notify you of from time to time (including at the time of collecting your information).
Access and correction of your credit-related information
You have a right to request access to any credit-related information that we hold about you. If you would like to access the credit-related information that we hold about you, please contact us using the contact details set out below.
Where we hold credit-related information about you, we provide you with access to this information upon request, including by posting or emailing it to you if you request access to your information in those particular manners. We will generally provide access to you within a reasonable time but may refuse to provide access where we are permitted to do so by law.
You also have a right to request that we correct any credit-related information that we hold about you if you believe that this information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. You can make such a correction request by using the contact details set out below. We will respond to your request within 30 days (or such longer period as you may agree or we may request).
We will not charge you for making a request for access or for making any corrections to your credit-related information. However, we may in some circumstances charge a reasonable administrative fee to cover our costs of providing access to you.
If we cannot respond to your correction request without consulting with other credit providers or credit reporting bodies in relation to your request, we may do so and these bodies are permitted by law to assist us in resolving your correction request.
If we agree to your request, we will promptly correct any credit-related information that we hold about you that we are satisfied is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. If we do correct your credit-related information at your request, we will inform you and each other credit provider and CRB to which we have previously disclosed that information that we have corrected your information. Where we disclosed your credit-related information after you made a complaint but before it was resolved, we will tell the recipient that you have made such a complaint and we will subsequently inform that entity of the outcome of your correction request.
If we have any other reasons for suspecting that credit-related information that we hold about you has become inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we may independently decide to correct this information without consulting you. If we do this, we will take reasonable steps to notify that correction to you and to any other entities to which we have previously disclosed that credit-related information (unless it is impracticable for us to do so).
You have a right to complain about any failure by us to comply with the Privacy Act or the Credit Reporting Code in relation to our handling of your credit-related information.
If your complaint relates to our failure to provide access to or to correct any credit-related information that we hold about you, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) (for more information, please see
If you have a complaint in relation to our handling of your credit-related information that is not mentioned above, you must first lodge your complaint with us using the details set out at the end of this policy and provide us with details of the incident so that we can investigate it.
Our procedure for investigating and dealing with complaints (other than those that can be made directly to the OAIC) is as follows:
- complaints should be made in writing and submitted to us using the contact details below;
- we will treat your complaint confidentially. Our representative will investigate your complaint and contact you within a reasonable time after receipt of your complaint to discuss your complaint and the options available to you to resolve it;
- we will endeavour to make sure that your complaint is resolved within a reasonable time of receiving your complaint (and in any event within the time required by the Privacy Act, if applicable); and
- if you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint or our proposed resolution, you have a right to lodge a further complaint with the OAIC. These bodies will then provide you with further information about the next steps in their complaints process.
Where your complaint relates to the correction of your credit-related information and the resolution of your complaint requires us to correct your information, we will inform each other credit provider and CRB that we have previously disclosed your information to that that you have made a correction complaint in relation to that information and that we have corrected your information as a result of the outcome of that complaint. However, if it is impracticable or illegal for us to do give such a notification, then we cannot be required by law to give this notification and we will not do so.
Contacting us
If you have any questions about this Credit Reporting Policy or if you have any concerns or a complaint regarding the treatment of your credit-related information, you should contact our Privacy Officer using the details set out below.
Post: Attn: The Privacy Officer
SG Fleet Australia Pty Limited
Locked Bag 1003
Gordon NSW 2072
Tel: (02) 9494 1000
Changes to our Credit Reporting Policy
We may change this Credit Reporting Policy from time to time, including in order to comply with any future amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Credit Reporting Code or related laws or regulations. Any updated versions of this Credit Reporting Policy will be effective from the date of posting on our website.
This Credit Reporting Policy was last updated in November 2020.